Recherche & Innovation

Research &

Nearly 200 project teams work at Inria in an agile and partnership-based environment. An agile environment due to the project team model that promotes scientific excellence, technological development and innovation. A partnership-based environment since 80% of Inria’s research teams are joint teams with leading research universities and organizations.
The aim? Support the digital transformation through research and innovation!
Inria has also put in place a number of incentive measures to increase the impact of its project teams
Whether to encourage scientific risk-taking, the cross-fertilization of expertise or the development of technologies, Inria offers a wide range of internal programs. For example, to explore new research pathways, Inria supports exploratory actions. Because project teams carry out highly targeted research, Inria sets up large-scale actions to respond to challenges that may require the expertise of several teams and partners. Finally, the Institute supports the long-term development and open-source distribution of leading software programs.

Support the digital transformation through research and innovation!

Subjects & Challenges

Our scientists produce knowledge, develop technologies and focus on applications related to the major issues of our society as healthcare, transport, energy, communications, security and privacy protection, smart cities and the factory of the future, etc.

A stimulating environment

With digital technology disrupting all established frameworks, in order to bring through ambitious scientific and entrepreneurial projects, Inria's responsibility is to create value on a large scale for society and for the economy; to raise France’s profile and boost its attractiveness; and to increase the impact of research and innovation in the digital sector.



The Inria project teams, an agile and open model

Picto equipe projet rouge

Human scale, independence, versatility, multiculturalism… these are just some of the qualities that characterise Inria’s project teams today.

Replacing the human being at the centre of the laboratories and projects they give rise to, means promoting the values of exchange, listening and collective intelligence, which are vital to the successful conduct of projects of excellence.  Through the flexible model of the project team, Inria promotes innovative research as from the start and guarantees close support to all its researchers.

More than 3,900 scientists work daily to meet the challenges of information and communication science and technology.

Ceux qui font Inria

Les femmes et les hommes qui font Inria explorent chaque jour les frontières de la connaissance en sciences et technologies du numérique dans la collaboration et l’interdisciplinarité pour faire avancer des projets ambitieux et risqués.

Startup Studio

Inria Startup Studio: Inria’s entrepreneurial programme

Inria Startup Studio brings out entrepreneurial projects and supports the creation of digital Deeptech startups led by scientists.

Software creation

Pictogramme technologie et innovation
Each year, scientists create about a hundred software products resulting from work carried out in project teams.

Industrial partnerships

Pictogramme partenariat
The institute is developing ambitious research partnerships with both major manufacturers and smaller companies, the majority of which are based either in France or elsewhere in Europe. These partnerships are pushing at the frontiers of research and helping to promote risk-taking.
Programme international

Science in society

With a range of initiatives for teaching digital science, Inria has something to suit everyone