

Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition of Social interactions
Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition of Social interactions

The Stars research team focuses on the design of cognitive vision systems for Activity Recognition. More precisely, we are interested in the real-time semantic interpretation of dynamic scenes observed by video cameras and other sensors. We study long-term spatio-temporal activities performed by agents such as human beings, animals or vehicles in the physical world. The major issue in semantic interpretation of dynamic scenes is to bridge the gap between the subjective interpretation of data and the objective measures provided by sensors. To address this problem Stars develops new techniques in the field of cognitive vision, deep learning and cognitive systems for physical object detection, activity understanding, activity learning, vision system design and evaluation. We focus on two principal application domains: visual surveillance and healthcare monitoring.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur


Team leader

Sandrine Boute

Team assistant
