Startups resulting from the project teams of the Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest center

Changed on 11/03/2024

16 digital deeptech startups have been set up at the Inria centre in Bordeaux since its creation in 2008. They cover various fields such as robotics, industry, health, energy and sustainable development.

Industry 4.0 and robotics

Circuit intégré


Luos is an operating system dedicated to embedded systems. It allows any component or function to be simplified and linked together as a single system image.

Femme qui travaille sur un haut remplit de capteurs pour collecter des données sur les interactions physiques

Touch Sensity

Touch Sensity is developing an innovative technology capable of making objects and materials sensitive to physical interactions in order to develop sensor systems or intelligent composite materials.

Homme qui tient les mains d'un robot humanoïde

Pollen Robotics

Since 2016, Pollen Robotics has been designing educational robots that make it possible to apprehend programming and artificial intelligence in a playful and interactive way.

Co-Idea CARDS Environnement de réalité augmentée spatiale pour le travail collaboratif


Co-Idea is an EdTech startup project designing digital environments that transform any workspace into an environment dedicated to group activities and interpersonal skills development.

Kune travel


Kune is a simple and enjoyable way to plan trips. The platform automates repetitive tasks and keeps expenses under control, so users can concentrate on what's important.


Poucet observe les comportements des utilisateurs de applications web et s'appuie sur des techniques de machine learning pour générer des tests et s'assurer que les utilisateurs ne rencontrent pas de bugs.

Sécurité des données


Cape est une solution permettant de protéger les communications et les transferts de données entre des utilisateurs et des services en plaçant leurs équipements au sein d’un réseau autonome isolé et sécurisé.

Navigation et IA


Nautia vise à entrainer des réseaux de neurones artificiels (IA) pour barrer des bateaux de manière efficace, performante et adaptée à différents usages. 

Health & wellness

Modélisation d'un anévrisme


Nurea develops tools enabling radiologists and surgeons to facilitate and accelerate the analysis of medical images from scanners or MRI.

Scan d'un cerveau


RebrAIn offers precise targeting technology for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to effectively identify areas of the brain to be treated for tremor diseases.

Bac à sable coloré


Ullo's mission is to propose new approaches to care in order to expand the range of tools available to healthcare personnel in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, or cognitive and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Smartphone qui affiche l'application Flit Sport

Flit Sport

Flit Sport designs, develops and markets an online app that offers personalised training plans for runners using artificial intelligence.



Bits2Beat aims at facilitating the early detection of some of the most common cardiovascular diseases, in particular atrial fibrillation, with a follow-up aiming at the prevention of the accidents consecutive to these pathologies, by solving the shortage of the adapted material.



Louise uses deep learning on a large scale by cross-referencing data from multiple sources to support scientific knowledge in female fertility, including an application that takes the entire conception journey. It also allows to establish fertility profiles and to optimize the solutions proposed to women suffering from infertility.

Energy and sustainable development

Personne qui tient un smartphone et un ordinateur qui affichent des données de consommation


Created in 2015, iQspot works on the energy transition in the field of professional real estate by offering a solution for the automatic collection and real-time analysis of real estate energy consumption.

Livreur qui livre un colis à un particulier


Atoptima develops tailor-made optimisation modules for the planning of operations and vehicle routes, thus significantly improving the performance of a system.

Salle serveur


DENERGIUM, for Digital energy optimum, is a startup from the Inria Startup Studio created by Hervé Mathieu, former head of the experimentation and development department at the Inria Center at Bordeaux University. This innovative startup enables companies to improve their use of digital infrastructures through energy optimization.

Agriculture et alimentation


Afoodi est un projet foodtech qui à vocation à réduire l’impact carbone des restaurants grâce à un menu dynamique. L’analyse automatisée des données d’achats est convertie en éco-score afin de suggérer les assiettes ayant les meilleures marges et le plus faible impact écologique.


Pontos propose un logiciel interactif pour recevoir des prédictions de zone de pêche durable. Ces recommandations sont basées sur différents types de données et permettent aux capitaines pêcheurs d’anticiper leur voyage de pêche afin d’optimiser le cout et l’impact environnemental. 


Vidibio propose une solution simple de scan des haies via un smartphone pour un monitoring précis de la biomasse et de la biodiversité. Cette technologie permet d'améliorer le déploiement des incitations financières pour que les agriculteurs gèrent leurs haies de manière plus durable.

More startups to discover

lunette pour réalité augmentée


Founded in 2016, from the Potioc project-team of Inria and LaBRI

RealityTech offers a collaborative augmented reality technology. Its projection platform makes any table interactive; the physical objects present are then augmented. The user experience is enriched by these new qualities and modes of action, and all kinds of uses can be imagined: new board games, educational applications or new interactive product presentations.

Membre d'un robot humanoïde

Rhoban System

Founded in 2012, from the Flowers project-team of Inria and LaBRI

Specialist in autonomous robotics, Rhoban System develops autonomous humanoid robots, in particular related to agricultural robotics and the RoboCup.

Circuit intégré

Siderion Technologies

Founded in 2007 and stopped in 2012, from the Phoenix project-team of Inria and LaBRI

Publisher of application telephony and intelligent call routing solutions.

The startups projects we support

  • Vidibio offers a simple solution for scanning hedgerows via smartphone for precise monitoring of biomass and biodiversity. Our technology will improve the deployment of financial incentives for farmers to manage their hedgerows more sustainably.
  • Poucet is a project dedicated to the testing of web applications. For web tools developers, testing is a necessary but expensive step. These tests are written and often executed by hand with each new version of the application. Poucet observes the behavior of users of these applications and relies on machine learning techniques to generate tests and ensure that users do not encounter bugs.
  • Afoodi is a foodtech project that aims to reduce the carbon impact of restaurants through a dynamic menu. The automated analysis of purchase data is converted into an eco-score to suggest the plates with the best margins and the lowest ecological impact.
  • Pontos offers an interactive software to receive sustainable fishing area predictions. These recommendations are based on different types of data and allow fishing captains to anticipate their fishing trip in order to optimize cost and environmental impact. No need to look at the moon or the stars to find landmarks, Pontos takes the uncertainty out of ocean conditions and fights against overfishing to do what was not possible before: predicting fishing areas while respecting the ecosystem and the fish stock. 
  • Nautia trains neural networks to steer boats using reinforcement learning methods. Implanted at the heart of a boat's autopilot, these pre-trained networks will optimize its trajectory in real time. Used on racing yachts, for example, this technology will enable ocean racers to finally benefit from autopilots whose performance approaches or even exceeds that of human helmsmen.
  • Cape offers a solution for securing communications between multiple stakeholders. To achieve this, it places the users and services concerned within a secure, extensible and dynamic virtual network called capenet. Access to the network and the desired services is provided through the systematic use of public-key cryptography, guaranteeing authentication of the parties involved and encryption of the data exchanged. The network can be dynamically modified and supports equipment mobility.
  • Ebiose is an open source and open data platform, built by everyone and for everyone, that aims to increase the power of generative AI tenfold. Closed, opaque and expensive models such as ChatGPT have revealed the immense potential of such AIs, but their capabilities remain largely under-exploited. In contrast, Ebiose leverages the tens of thousands of open-source AIs available and builds multi-model, tailor-made AIs, inspired by the engineering of living organisms and the principles of natural selection.
Startup Studio

Inria Startup Studio: Inria’s entrepreneurial programme

Inria Startup Studio brings out entrepreneurial projects and supports the creation of digital Deeptech startups led by scientists.