Vanessa Dumetier has been appointed Director of the Human Resources Department on January 1st 2020.
After completing a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in ''Public Enterprises and Services" in 2001, Vanessa Dumetier joined the Legal and Tax Department of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations as an in-house legal adviser specialising in public law. She worked on various legal issues concerning the public financial institution, as well as its links with local authorities.
In January 2003, she joined the Human Resources Department of Inra (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) as assistant to the Head of the Social Policy Department, a department she then took over herself in October 2005. She participated in the development of social policy with the aim of enhancing the Institute's attractiveness. She also contributed to the roll-out of a proactive disability policy. In 2012 she became head of the Personnel, Pensions and Occupational Accidents Department within the Inra HR Department. In this core HR post she was in charge of coordinating the career paths of the Institute's researchers, engineers and technicians, from recruitment through to retirement. She participated in the development of the Human Resources policy on contract personnel, including the writing of a dedicated management charter.
In September 2014, she moved to the Ministry for Education, Higher Education and Research, taking up a shared services position in the DGESIP-DGRI. In her role as "HR Strategy Officer" there, in particular she represented France in different European Commission working groups on HR issues (Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility, Helsinki Group). Among other things, she was in charge of the certification of French higher education and research institutions as part of the European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
Vanessa Dumetier joined Irstea as Director of Human Resources and Social Relations. As well as steering the human resources and social dialogue policy, she developed reflections on the development of strategic workforce planning at the Institute and on the obtaining of the "Human Resources Excellence in Research " award (HRS4R). She was also closely involved in the merger between the Irstea and Inra institutes to become INRAE on 1st January 2020. As part of this project she organised all the work on the convergence of the HR policy frameworks and led all the working groups set up on these subjects.