Recruitment of researchers, engineers and support functions in situations of disability

Changed on 13/11/2024

The inclusion of people with disabilities is an integral part of the Institute's policy through the development of a proactive recruitment strategy, but also through the establishment of a multidisciplinary team - prevention officer, disability correspondent, social worker, occupational physician - to serve the staff. Inria's Mission Handicap is at your disposal to help you.

Simulation d'une opération
© Inria / Photo F. Nussbaumer - Signatures

Our recruitment policy

All our offers and campaigns are accessible to people with disabilities.

Find all our offers throughout the year on Jobs.Inria

Several access routes are open to disabled workers.

Competitive recruitment

As a Public civil, Inria recruits its permanent staff through a competitive examination. The tests can be adapted to the nature of the disability.

Contractual recruitment with a view to tenure

Each year, Inria opens up positions through contractual arrangements to people recognised as disabled workers. This exceptional procedure allows disabled people to enter the civil service without a competitive examination. After a one-year fixed-term contract, which may be renewable once, the employee may be given permanent status after receiving the opinion of a professional jury. This method of recruitment is only open to newcomers to the civil service.

Find all our offers on Jobs.Inria


The human resources manager and my manager offered me a fixed-term disability contract, with the aim of helping me move towards a permanent position. During the test, we had put in place tips to make sure I understood, I reworded the questions or we used the video chat.


Testimonial's Elodie


Financial and Accounting Manager

Other types of recruitment

In addition, Inria offers fixed-term contracts throughout the year in research support, research supervision and research with offers of doctoral and postdoctoral stays.


I had already started my studies before my disability occurred, and I am continuing them thanks to the various arrangements that have been put in place, which allow me to adapt the working conditions to my particularities. I want to show that it is quite possible to do long studies while living with a disability.


Testimonial's Clement


PhD student

For doctoral students recognised as having a disability, the doctoral contract can be extended by one year (48 months).

Internships and apprenticeships

The recruitment of trainees and apprentices is also a lever to encourage the reception of students with disabilities.

Equipe EDGE
© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier

Human resources

For further information about recruiting people with disabilities

Inria has signed an agreement with the Fonds pour l'Insertion des Personnes Handicapées dans la Fonction Publique (FIPHFP) (Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons in the Civil Service) to provide the methodological and financial means to carry out its policy of inclusion of people with disabilities.

Facilitating induction and retention

The centre's disability correspondent welcomes new employees, supports them throughout their career and coordinates the actions taken by the employer in terms of welcoming, integrating and maintaining disabled people in employment. Training, support, adjustments to the work environment and/or organisation are offered (subject to conditions) according to needs, thanks to a range of measures.

  • Working environment
    • Workplace design
      On-site and teleworking workstation design (ergonomic furniture, adapted software, hearing aids, Braille display, etc.)
    • Adapted transport for home-to-work journeys or business trips
  • Work organisation
    • Part-time work as of right
    • Teleworking
  • Support
    • Individual support adapted by the centre's disability correspondent
    • Skills assessment that takes into account the health situation
    • Training to facilitate professional reorientation
  • Social benefits
    • Universal Employment Service Cheque
    • Allocation to parents of disabled children


The skills assessment helped me to evolve, it was a revelation for me on several levels and it prevented me from finding myself on disability. We all have a lot of skills that we can put forward.


Testimonial's Marie-Laetitia


Editorial Secretary

Join us!

For any information on the Institute's policy, do not hesitate to write to the Mission handicap