

self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network
self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network

The FUN research group investigates solutions to enhance programmability, adaptability and reachability of FUN (Future Ubiquitous Networks) composed of RFID, wireless sensor and robot networks. The objects that compose FUN are characterized by limited resources, high mobility and high security level in spite of untrusted environment.They communicate in a wireless way. To be operational and efficient, such networks have to follow some self-organizing rules. Indeed, components of FUN have to be able in a distributed and energy-efficient way to discover the network, self(deploy, communicate, self-structure in spite of their harware constraints while adapting the environment in which they evolve.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at the University of Lille


Team leader

Aurore Dalle

Team assistant

Anne Rejl

Team assistant

Amélie Supervielle

Team assistant
